Good morning,
This week’s Backpack Express is here.
- Sowams PTO: The PTO has put together a summary sheet of all of the activities they supported this year. You may find that information here. Thank you to the PTO for your continued support of Sowams School.
- Parents of K-2 Students: We are in great need for parents of grades K-2 students to volunteer for the third grade reception on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday the 21st. If possible, please consider volunteering your time to help set up, during the reception or for cleaning up. Sign up here to volunteer:!/showSignUp/20f0944a8a822a3ff2-3rdgrade
- Outdoor Day: Outdoor Day at Sowams School is BACK! On Tuesday, June 21st, students will spend the morning outside participating in several fun activities with their classes (think relay races, parachute games, etc.). Outdoor Day will culminate with a barbeque for lunch before students return to their classrooms for the afternoon. We need volunteers to help with setup, running the stations, and cleanup (June 21, 8:30am-11:30am). We are looking for more volunteers. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up. If you are interested and able to volunteer (set-up, run a station, clean up), please submit your name and email address via this Sign Up Genius and PTO volunteers will be in touch with the details.
- Outdoor Day Class Colors: Each class is asked to wear a certain color on the day of Outdoor Day. Below are the colors that have been assigned to each classroom:
- Mrs. Thornton - Light Blue
- Mrs. Howard - Red
- Mrs. Silva - Yellow
- Miss Salvo - Black
- Mrs. Felag - Stripes
- Mrs. Squatrito - Orange
- Mrs. Tutt - Green
- Mrs. Rackliffe - Dark Purple
- Mrs. Promades - Pink
- Mrs. Fagan - Light Purple
- Mrs. Carey - Navy Blue
- Mrs. Gaynor - White
- Last Day of School: The last day of school for students is Thursday, June 23, 2022, at 2:30.
- Progress Reports: The end of the year progress reports will be available in Aspen at some point on June 23, 2022. You will receive an email indication when they are ready. You will need to know your username and password for Aspen in order to access your child’s. If you do not have this information, you should email to request it. We do not have this information at the school.
- Moving?: If your child is not coming back to Sowams School because you are moving either out of the neighborhood or out of Barrington or your child will be going to a private school, please let us know. We want to make sure records are ready to be shared with your child’s new school. If your current third grader is not going to Hampden Meadows next year, you may also let us know. Please email either Mrs. Kotsiris ( or me ( to let us know.
- Community Notices: Hampden Meadows School has their play (Heroes vs. Villains) this weekend. You may find out more information about tickets and showtimes here.
Have a wonderful day and weekend.
Jim Callahan