2020 - 2021 BMS Cluster/Experience/Program Preference Forms 

This is a friendly reminder that our cluster preference/experience forms are due back to BMS by 4:00 pm on Monday, June 1, 2020 (electronically). It is important that your preferences are recorded on the linked forms below for us to move forward with planning. For convenience, I have included forms for all 3 levels below. 

2020 - 2021 6th Grade BMS Cluster Experience and Program Preference Form

2020 - 2021 7th Grade BMS Cluster Experience and Program Preference Form

2020 - 2021 8th Grade BMS Program Preference Form and Student Information 

Please know that we understand the excitement that can build around the cluster assignment process. For a middle school student, cluster assignments can be a big deal! Throughout the summer months, we work hard to ensure each cluster is balanced by gender, needs, and abilities. We do take into consideration cluster experience preferences from families, but due to the above-mentioned considerations, not all preferences will/can be fulfilled. (Note: typically only 60% of preferences are fulfilled.) Once a child is assigned to a cluster, there will be no changes made to cluster assignments.

Please feel free to email me at any time if you have any questions at all. 



Andy / Dr. Anderson