Barrington Middle School
BMS Connected Learning Newsletter 5.4.2020 (BMS Distance Learning Special Edition)
The BMS Learning Community is Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Succeed!
Barrington Middle School’s Mission is to empower all students to excel in character, citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, so that they may positively impact the future.
Upcoming Events:
(Note: Please review the dates as dates are subject to change due to a number of factors from one newsletter to the next)
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Video Presentation Released on Sunday, May 17, 2020.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent (last names A - F) Q and A on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent (last names G - N) Q and A on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 7:00 pm - 8:00pm.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent (last names O - Z) Q and A on Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm.
BMS Math Progression Presentation Released on Thursday, May 28, 2020.
BMS Math Progression Q and A on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
BMS Incoming 6th Grade Student Orientation TBD
Please visit our website to see all upcoming calendar events:
Please see the link for our daily announcements:
BMS Spotlight on Learning
BMS Spotlight on Learning
This week we would like to shine our BMS Spotlight on all of our amazing teachers! This week we celebrate all of our teachers as it is Teacher Appreciation week! We can’t thank you enough for your commitment, dedication, and professionalism, especially during these unprecedented times. The State of Rhode Island is being recognized as having some of the best distance learning plans in the Country, and we know, Barrington has one of the best in the State! Thank you for all that you do and for making Barrington Middle School an amazing Learning Community!
BMS New Information
Distance Learning Special Edition
New Information:
Distance Learning Schedule Week of 5/3/2020
Date | Day | Specials |
Monday May 4, 2020 | Day 1 Block | 6th Grade Specials 7th/8th Grade Independent Practice |
Tuesday May 5, 2020 | Day 2 Block | 6th Grade Specials 7th/8th Grade Independent Practice |
Wednesday May 6, 2020 | PD Day No School Students | |
Thursday May 7, 2020 | Day 3 Block | 7th Grade Specials 6th/8th Grade Independent Practice |
Friday May 8, 2020 | Day 4 Block | 7th Grade Specials 6th/8th Grade Independent Practice |
BPS School Committee Field Trip Update:
On Thursday, April 29th, the BPS School Committee agreed to support a one-time exemption to our BPS Field Trip Policy to allow schools to return the money to families who donated for field trips at or above $100 that have been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The School Committee will meet for a final vote on the one-time exemption on 5/14/2020.
Families and those who donated who would like their donations returned must consider the following prior to making their request for a refund.
Was your donation used as a tax deduction that is not eligible for a refund? (You may want to check with your accountant)
Was your donation matched by a company or corporation that is not eligible for a refund? (You may want to check with your accountant)
Do you have a copy of the canceled check that you can submit? (As we do not track donations by student name)
Following the 5/14 School Committee Meeting, the Barrington Middle School Improvement Team will meet to discuss the logistics on how to return the money and make decisions about the money that is not returned.
Incoming 6th Grade Families Orientation:
This year, Ms. Silveira and I will be releasing our parent orientation presentation to our incoming families on Sunday, May 17, 2020. Later on in the week, we will be available for Q and A for families. It is important to note that the presentation will not be reviewed during the Q and A and parents would have had to watch the presentation before the Q and A session.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Video Presentation Released on Sunday, May 17, 2020.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent (last names A - F) Q and A on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent (last names G - N) Q and A on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 7:00 pm - 8:00pm.
Incoming 6th Grade Parent (last names O - Z) Q and A on Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 7:00pm.
BMS Math Progression Overview:
In addition, we will also be releasing our BMS Math Progression overview to our families on Thursday, May 28, 2020. On Tuesday, June 2, 2020 we will have a Q and A session from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm based on the presentation. It is important to note that the presentation will not be reviewed during the Q and A and parents would have had to watch the presentation before the Q and A session.
BMS Math Progression Presentation Released on Thursday, May 28, 2020.
BMS Math Progression Q and A on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
Old Information
BMS Reads:
In honor April being RI Reads at Home month we encourage our students to read for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. The video below contains some words of encouragement and what our teachers are currently reading!
Reading Messages from BMS Teachers
Student Schedule Video’s and Student Communication:
Ms. Silveira and I have been using our BMS Homeroom Google Classroom as means of communicating to our students on a daily basis. We have found this platform to be successful due to all of the students needing to access this page to sign in for the day.
Included in Monday’s message, we will be including the following videos that Ms. Silveira recorded to help students strengthen their understanding of our distance learning schedule. Great work Ms. Silveira for putting these videos together!
Information from District Communication on 4/21/22 (BMS Specific):
BMS Screen-Lite Wednesdays (Cluster Classes)
All cluster teachers will be posting assignments for students to complete throughout the day on screen-lite Wednesdays by 7:00 pm Tuesday evening. The expectation would be that students will complete assignments throughout the day and turn them in by the next day or at a later date assigned by the teacher. Although students will need to check-in to each google classroom, activities planned will be technology lite. Activities may include hands-on activities, project-based learning activities, and/or independent/group practice.
Students will check into the BMS Homeroom google classroom for daily attendance as they would on any other day. For class attendance, students will be checking into google classroom to complete a google form.
BMS Screen-Lite Wednesdays (Allied Art Teachers)
Screen-lite Wednesdays will be designated as odd or even (they will rotate) for student’s special classes. Teachers will post assignments and instruction on Tuesday evening by 7 PM for students to complete throughout the day. For example: If it is an ODD screen-lite Wednesday, teachers will post assignments for students they see in class on Days 1, 3, or 5. An assignment should be posted for each grade.
Students will check into the BMS Homeroom google classroom for daily attendance as they would on any other day. For class attendance, students will be checking into google classroom to complete a google form.
BMS FAST Cluster and FAST Special:
Each day, students will check into their FAST Cluster at 11:05 to complete a google form and FAST Special at 2:35 indicating what they will be working on that day during that specific block of time. Students might need to check in with their teachers, work on independent classwork/projects, or have the opportunity to complete some activities (FAST 5) deemed appropriate by the cluster to build skills (ex: Freckle, Journal writing, Reading, etc.).
Checking in with a teacher- Teachers will request students to show up to their FAST block if they need to provide more instruction or to check-in with a student on an assignment. Students may come to your FAST block if they have questions related to an assignment or need some extra support. Students will indicate this on the FAST google form.
Independent classwork/projects- Students will have the opportunity to work on any assignments that are owed or need to continue working on. Students will indicate this on the FAST google form.
FAST 5- Clusters may consider creating a menu/playlist of independent activities that students could work on to build skills. Activities could include working on Freckle, Journal writing, Reading, science activities, Newsela, etc. Students that have completed all of their assignments and do not need to meet with a teacher during FAST will indicate this on the FAST google form. (note: the 5 in FAST 5 means 5 activities to choose from)
Please note that students in the morning FAST may be required to attend a special FAST class for extra support, and/or may be required to attend additional services (PLP, PMP, Academic Support, etc.) and students in the afternoon FAST may be required to attend a cluster FAST class for extra support, and/or may be required to attend additional services (PLP, PMP, Academic Support, etc.)
BMS Expectations for Independent Work (Core Classes):
The Distance Learning schedule provides time for Live (Synchronous ) Instruction and Independent Learning (Asynchronous) Instruction.
Live Instruction for core classes occurs from 8:45 to 10:55 each day. It is expected that students will be assigned an additional 30 - 60 mins of independent learning assignments/activities per instructional core class. Students are encouraged to complete these assignments during FAST open office times from 11:05 - 11:45, and from 2:35 - 3:15. Students may need time beyond the school day to complete long-term assignments.
BMS Expectations for Independent Work (Specials):
Now that students will have two days with their allied art teachers and two or four days of independent practice/activity, our goal is to make sure that those activities are robust, engaging, and rigorous. Below are strategies our teachers will be implementing to increase engagement and rigor:
Strategy 1:
On the days that students do not have direct contact with their allied art teacher, teachers post an instructional video with accompanying activities.
Strategy 2:
Teachers create opportunities for students to engage in partner/group activities during the days that students who do not have direct contact with their allied art teachers. Note: this strategy will be expected for all students in all allied art classes. This can be accomplished through:
Zoom breakout/office hours with supervision from the instructor
Students in hangouts collaborating together
Strategy 3:
Teachers can create a choice board/bing board with various activities that students can work through at their own pace.
BMS Open Office Hours:
Every teacher has posted their Open Office Hours and Zoom Link in their google classroom. Teachers will communicate with all of their students where this information is located.
Students are encouraged to contact their teachers during their office hours (FAST or Screen-Lite) if they have any questions about content, assignments, and/or activities. In addition, students may be requested to attend office hours if a student may need extra support or assistance on a particular subject matter/assignment by their teacher. Students who are requested to attend office hours through direct email from teacher to student.
Student Attendance:
Students are expected to check in to the BMS Homeroom Google Classroom by 8:40 am each day and to attend all of their classes throughout the day. Attendance will be taken each period. We understand that there may be times when students are participating and completing their work, but cannot attend a session. In this instance, they will receive credit but will need to email the teacher before the end of the day. If your child is tardy please help to remind them they should check into the BMS Homeroom Google Classroom before they log-in to their scheduled classroom.
If your child will be absent or tardy, please send an email to to report this. In the subject line please put your student(s) First and Last Name. Please report absences or tardies by 8:30am. The attendance email will be monitored daily by the office staff. Please see the linked document for our complete Daily Attendance protocol.
BMS Family/Student Distance Learning Questions:
We have provided you with an abundance of information related to Distance Learning. As questions come up please submit them using the BMS Family/Student Distance Distance Learning Questions form. Please check the BMS Family/Student Distance Learning Questions and Answers document for updates and answers to your questions.
IEP, 504 and Parent Meetings:
If you had a previously scheduled IEP, 504 or Parent Meeting we will be rescheduling these with you soon. Mrs. Bulman will begin reaching out to parents to reschedule IEP and parent meetings starting this week. Meetings will take place with parents via Zoom. If you have questions about IEP or parent meetings please reach out to Mrs. Kathy Bulman: Mrs. Nelson will be reaching out to reschedule 504 meetings starting this week. Meetings will also take place via Zoom. If you have questions about 504 meetings please reach out to Mrs. Kelly Nelson: